One of our new tracks from "Race to Oblivion" called "Falling" now has live footage video! Enjoy! Working title of the song is "Chanson de Planier" by the way...
Another track from "Race to Oblivion" now has a video, "Anyone" will always be special, as it is our 1st song written together as a band. Now properly recorded.
80% of the drum tracks are recorded, rather suprisingly we just added...
We were live twice in autumn, first together with Sogardy in Aachen in the Wild Rover, and that was...
After something like 27 years of Bowneck we did finally agree on a shirt design! Check it out! Order it!
C. Leinweber from the "Kölner Stadt Anzeiger" spend an evening with us and it resulted in nice article...
We played at the Cologne Metal Festival this year! Had a ton of fun, but we also fucked up the start...
Together with the Tideline we support Pandora's Bliss, October 9th at the Musikbunker.
This time we have 2 smaller gigs for you, one is in Aachen and the other in Belgium! See the news for details.
Wir are proud to annonunce 2 big gigs this fall, check the news!
Bowneck once again got in the green room and Thomas spend endless hours on his PC, the result is a trip through the 5 elements: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire AND METAL!
Since we mastered DD for the release, the Trapped in Hell Video now has mastered sound aswell. Check it out in videos.